Pernickety Kate’s Blog
When is a typo not a typo?
It’s easy to be complacent about slips that are ‘just typos’. But what if they’re more than that?
How to write dialogue – 1: Punctuation
How to punctuate written speech and dialogue – plenty of examples explained in plain English.
Academic proofreading – what to expect
What I DO and DON’T DO when I proofread your assignments. Find out how Pernickety Kate can help you over the final hurdle.
Are you really ready for proofreading?
Proofreading is the LAST thing you should get done. Here’s what to do before you reach that stage.
Track Changes: an editor’s guide
Being able to track changes you make during revision is useful for any writer, but essential for editors. This beginner's guide introduces the basics of this crucial tool.